Merch Review: Red Bubble Kid’s Mask

Full Disclosure: I am a Red Bubble shop owner, but I review these products as a customer. Should any products fail to live up to my expectations, I will not sell them.

Red Bubbleʻs kids mask designed and ordered by the author.

Red Bubbleʻs kids mask designed and ordered by the author.

Overall Score: 2 out of 5


  • Print quality - vivid colors, sharp lines.


  • Fit - too loose in some areas (i.e. nose).

  • Pattern - either the cutter missed the mark or the pattern needs to be re-centered (see photo below).

  • Materials - feels a little cheap for the price.

The center mark seems to be off when the mask was cut.

The center mark seems to be off when the mask was cut.

Print quality was great though.

Print quality was great though.

In the past, I used other print-on-demand (POD) companies. The premise of POD is a boon for many artists: we upload designs, POD companies put the designs on merchandise then ship to customers. I was disappointed, however, to learn how poor the quality of some of the products were. I closed my accounts shortly after.

Fast forward to today. After hearing positive reviews for Red Bubble (RB), I finally decided to give them a try and opened an account a few weeks ago.

Several designs were uploaded and a bunch of products were ordered. Did Red Bubble figure out how to manufacture quality products at reasonable prices while still squeezing out a profit? Is it even a viable business model?

As a creative, I dearly hope so. At the same time, I refuse to sell or recommend junk to my customers.

I plan to post merch reviews as I get them. Stay tuned, fellow creatives.

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Merch Review: Red Bubble Adult Mask


Publishing Your First Merch by Amazon Product