Week Seven - Trading Cards

This week the students were tasked with designing their own monster trading cards. Like our sticker shop last week, trading cards were a popular and familiar format with the kids. And also like last week, they were eager to share their work with family and friends.

Their cards had to include 3 things: 1) a picture of their monster, 2) the name of their monster, and 3) some information about their monster. They were given bonus points if they: 1) based it on an animal in Hawaii, 2) included all 3 aforementioned card characteristics, 3) took their time and practiced craftsmanship.

Some creative challenges they faced: dreaming up a monster, composing their design elements, and finding ways to incorporate local culture into their work.


Week 6 - Stickers


Week 8 - Monsters, Robots, Fairies & Mermaids